Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Introduction de Bull Bencher

Usually alone or with other bulls. Grazing for food all day long. Easily threatened or annoyed by others. Only respecting bulls bigger or older than I. I am Bull Bencher


  1. Okay. I first thought this was dumb. Because it was so short. But after reading it, I don't think it's so dumb anymore.

    I love my parents. Thanks for blogging and I hope to see you around.

  2. I like this because it was shorter and better than everything else i've read so far.

  3. I worship this post. Thank you for inspiring me :)

  4. it's a scottish highland bull. He reminds me of me

  5. I respect you even though I believe myself to be a bigger bull than you. Who knows, maybe one day we will find out...
